This is another example of the inconsequential bits of fluff which fill the pages of the annual Annuals and Doctor Who Adventure magazine. The art is drawn by John Ross, and it seems he does many (if not all) of these very childlike comic strips.

This adventure sees a solo 10th Doctor crash land in the Cretaceous period where he finds two stranded aliens, Flish and Amyt, who have also crashed, due to an gravity spike emanating from Earth. The Doctor tracks the source of the spike and discovers a crashed alien spaceship with a Magneton Drive.

The trio are forced to battle not only the native dinosaurs but also a Health and Safety hologram which initially refuses them entry to the crashed ship. The Doctor does some jiggery-pokery and gets them aboard and then frightens off a T-Rex with a reflection of itself whilst one of the aliens fixes the Magneton Drive.
With the gravity spike switched off, the Doctor offers Flish and Amyt a lift in the TARDIS.

There isn’t much to say about this short comic strip. It’s got a couple of odd-looking aliens, some green dinosaurs (one of which is apparently a Tyrannosaurus Rex), a couple of crashed spaceships and an oddly 20th century looking health and safety hologram (he’s decked out in a hard hat and fluorescent yellow jacket). The artwork is fine and there are a couple of nice vistas of Cretaceous Earth.

Aside from that it doesn’t do much else apart suggest some missing adventures featuring the 10th Doctor and his new companions, Flish and Amyt. Oh, the possibilities!